Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen is one of the fundamental building blocks of life. With the advancement of modern medicine, the therapeutic use of oxygen has found its place among innovative and effective treatment methods for a wide range of health issues. Known as “Oxygen Therapy” or sometimes “Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT),” this treatment is utilized to meet the body’s oxygen needs and accelerate healing processes. As Trawell Med Healthcare Company, we take pride in providing our valued patients with the highest level of oxygen therapy services.

Recommended for various conditions such as chronic wounds, sudden hearing loss, diabetic foot ulcers, and radiation damage, this treatment relies on the principle of breathing high concentrations of oxygen in specially pressurized chambers. Oxygen therapy maximizes your body’s natural healing capacity by facilitating the transport of more oxygen to tissues and supporting cellular-level repair.

Definition and History of Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen therapy is a medical practice that involves inhaling high concentrations of oxygen to increase the amount of oxygen transported through the bloodstream, contributing to faster healing of tissues and organs. This method serves as a significant treatment alternative, particularly for patients with impaired lung functions, among various medical conditions.

History of Oxygen Therapy

The idea of oxygen therapy dates back to the 1600s, but its modern usage began in the late 19th century. The first hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber was built in 1662 by English physicist Henshaw. However, the widespread adoption of this technology in medical applications occurred in the mid-20th century, especially after it started being used for the treatment of decompression sickness in diving medicine.

In the second half of the century, scientists discovered the positive effects of oxygen under high pressure for various health problems. Following these discoveries, oxygen therapy started being used in a wide range of areas, from burn treatment to gangrene and sudden hearing loss.

Today, oxygen therapy, as a result of innovation and development in the medical field, is applied safely and controlled with advanced equipment and experienced healthcare professionals. At Trawell Med, we aim to offer this advanced treatment method to our patients in the most effective way tailored to their needs.

Types of Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen therapy, as one of the most innovative treatment methods offered by modern medicine, can be applied in various forms. Each method is designed specifically for different medical needs and conditions. At Trawell Med, selecting the right oxygen therapy method from this diversity is crucial for providing the most suitable treatment for our patients. Here are the most common types of oxygen therapy:

  1. Normobaric Oxygen Therapy

Normobaric oxygen therapy involves delivering pure oxygen at normal atmospheric pressure through a breathing mask or nasal cannulas. This method can be effective, especially for patients experiencing acute oxygen deficiency.

  1. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a treatment where patients breathe 100% pure oxygen in chambers pressurized above atmospheric pressure. This method increases the solubility of oxygen in the plasma, enhancing the body’s oxygen-carrying capacity and supporting the healing processes.

  1. Portable Oxygen Concentrators

These devices filter air from the surroundings and deliver high concentrations of oxygen to the patient. They are ideal for patients with chronic respiratory diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and provide them with the freedom to move.

  1. Oxygen Tents

Oxygen tents are a method popular among athletes, aiming to reduce physical fatigue and enhance performance by providing high oxygen levels.

  1. Liquid Oxygen Systems

Liquid oxygen systems work by vaporizing stored liquid oxygen and are used for patients requiring long-term oxygen support.

  1. Community-Based Oxygen Therapy

This treatment has become widespread, especially during the pandemic. These systems provide low-flow oxygen in homes or community centers, aiming to support the quality of life for patients.

Each oxygen therapy method can be customized based on the patient’s condition, lifestyle, and treatment goals.

At Trawell Med, with our patient-centered approach, we can work together to determine the most effective oxygen therapy method tailored to your specific health needs.

Oxygen Therapy Process

Oxygen therapy involves delivering additional oxygen through inhalation. At Trawell Med, we prioritize guiding and making the therapy process understandable and accessible for our patients. Here are the steps in the oxygen therapy process:

  1. Initial Assessment

The oxygen therapy process begins with a detailed medical assessment. A plan is created considering the patient’s current health condition, oxygen levels, and potential benefits.

  1. Development of Treatment Plan

The physician creates a personalized treatment plan based on the patient’s needs. This plan includes the dosage, type, and duration of oxygen therapy.

  1. Administration

Patients can be treated with various methods, such as normobaric or hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Normobaric therapy is typically administered using a mask or nasal cannula, while hyperbaric therapy is conducted in specially designed hyperbaric chambers.

  1. Monitoring

Throughout the treatment process, patients are closely monitored. Oxygen dosage and patient responses are carefully monitored, and any potential side effects are checked.

  1. Adjustments

When necessary, treatment dosage can be adjusted based on the patient’s responses and the healing process. This is a crucial step to ensure the best results.

  1. Follow-up and Support

After completing the treatment, the Trawell Med team continues to provide follow-up and support. This is done to assess the effectiveness of the treatment and assist in achieving long-term health goals.

  1. Education

Comprehensive education is provided to patients and their families about the importance of oxygen therapy, potential risks, and the use of oxygen at home.

This process aims to prioritize patient safety and comfort. Trawell Med is dedicated to being alongside you at every step, ensuring the successful and smooth progression of the oxygen therapy process.

Benefits of Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen therapy plays a crucial role in the treatment of various health conditions, supporting the body’s natural healing processes and improving the quality of life. At Trawell Med, we have outlined the key benefits of the oxygen therapy we provide to our patients:

  1. Accelerated Healing Processes

Oxygen is a fundamental element for cells to produce energy. After injuries or surgical interventions, the body can heal faster with additional oxygen. Oxygen therapy accelerates tissue repair by increasing oxygen intake for cells.

  1. Increased Energy Levels

For individuals experiencing chronic fatigue and energy deficiency, oxygen therapy can increase energy levels. Improved metabolism enhances efficiency, helping patients feel more energetic.

  1. Enhanced Brain Functions

Inhaling high concentrations of oxygen can improve brain functions and assist in the treatment of cognitive disorders. Increasing cognitive functions and concentration are significant benefits of this therapy.

  1. Improved Exercise Performance

Athletes can benefit from oxygen therapy to enhance performance. Increased oxygen levels allow muscles to work more efficiently, reducing recovery time after exercise.

  1. Support for Heart and Vascular Health

Supplying additional oxygen to the heart and circulatory system can reduce the burden on the heart and improve circulation. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with heart conditions.

  1. Strengthened Immune System Against Infections

Oxygen, essential for the body, acts as a tool to strengthen the immune system, providing protection against infections. Oxygen therapy enhances the effectiveness of immune cells, increasing defense against diseases.

  1. Management of Chronic Diseases

Oxygen therapy is used to alleviate symptoms in individuals with chronic conditions such as COPD and fibromyalgia. Regular oxygen treatment plays a significant role in managing these conditions.

At Trawell Med, we utilize these benefits of oxygen therapy to elevate the life standards of our patients. Our goal is to support your health in the best way possible with personalized treatment plans.

Potential Side Effects of Oxygen Therapy and Safety Precautions

While oxygen therapy is an effective method for managing various health conditions, like any medical treatment, it may have potential side effects. At Trawell Med, patient safety is our top priority, and we take safety measures seriously. Here are some potential side effects associated with oxygen therapy and the safety precautions we apply to minimize these effects:

Potential Side Effects:

  1. Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity: Prolonged inhalation of high concentrations of oxygen can lead to lung damage. This condition typically occurs when the patient is exposed to high oxygen concentrations for an extended period.
  2. Risk of Oxygen-Induced Fire: Oxygen increases the risk of fire when in contact with flammable materials. Therefore, avoiding flammable substances during oxygen use is crucial.
  3. Middle Ear and Sinus Problems: During hyperbaric oxygen therapy, discomfort in the middle ear or sinuses may be felt due to pressure changes.
  4. Myopia: Temporary myopia (nearsightedness) may develop as a result of prolonged hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
  5. Barotrauma: Changes in air pressure may cause trauma in body cavities containing air.

Safety Precautions:

  1. Thorough Medical Assessment: Every patient undergoes a comprehensive medical assessment before starting treatment to identify any potential risks and select the most suitable treatment method.
  2. Dosage and Duration Control: Oxygen dosage and exposure time are carefully controlled during oxygen therapy to reduce the risk of pulmonary oxygen toxicity.
  3. Fire Safety Training: Patients and caregivers receive training on oxygen-induced fire risks and are educated on the use of flammable materials.
  4. Pressure Adjustment: During hyperbaric oxygen therapy, pressure changes are carefully managed, and steps are taken to prevent ear and sinus discomfort.
  5. Regular Monitoring: Patients are closely monitored throughout the treatment process. Any signs of side effects are immediately addressed.

Trawell Med ensures that patients are well-informed about the potential benefits, risks, and safety measures associated with oxygen therapy. Prioritizing patient safety at every step is essential for us to provide services of the highest standards.

Contact Us for Oxygen Therapy at Trawell Med

To schedule an appointment for oxygen therapy at Trawell Med, you can fill out the online appointment form on our website or contact us directly using the provided contact numbers. Our team will assist you in arranging an appointment at the most convenient time for you.

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